Companies from Asbest are not registered here! Register!

Below are the companies from neighboring towns.

"UralInterer" is the official representative of KNAUF, KNAUF Insulation, VELLHIM, Corundum, AQUA, CERESIT, FARVEST, Kreps, ByProc, Bergauf, Gifas, etc. The range of materials for construction and decoration is constantly updated and growing.

Phone: +7 (343) 278-89-70; +7 (343) 278-15-50.

Address: 620 137, Ekaterinburg, ul. Patronage 2 / (map)

Green Line

Sale of fiberboard, particle board, furniture board, etc.

Phone: +7 (351) 268-51-59

Address: Chelyabinsk, ul. Sharov, 57 (map)

Big Dipper


Phone: +7 (3452) 64-02-84

Address: Tyumen, ul. Tobolsk highway 15 km. Art. 5 (map)


Fiberboard, particle board, building materials, wholesale trade, transportation

Phone: +7 (3522) 25-03-90

Address: Kurgan, ul. Pugachev, 103 (map)

Ltd. "EnergoStroyProdukt"

Produce, we complete, we deliver! Dry mortar, primer, paint and more. etc.

Phone: +7 (342) 278-07-28

Address: 614990, Perm Region, Perm, ul. Heroes Hassan, house number 74, Building A (map)


Supply of components for the production of furniture. Fiberboard, particleboard

Phone: +7 (342) 268-98-50

Address: Perm, ul. Heroes Hassan, 80 (map)

MDF Asbest. All Asbest MDF vendors are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a company that sells MDF in Asbest or Asbest region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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